Are you Stir-Crazy Yet?
Definition: Go stir-crazy. To become acutely anxious, restless, irritable, irrational, and/or depressed from remaining for too long in an unstimulating, confined, and/or isolated environment. "Stir" in this usage is a slang word for prison.
If your not there yet - you may be soon. Hopefully you are in your sewing room - Isolated-yes, restless-yes, but let's forget the rest. Let us Help You.
First: I want to thank everyone who has sent comments and notes to me, called to check on us for personal well-being as well as our business well-being.
We are fortunate to have so many customers that we can truely call our "frineds".
Second: With the many requests on how you can help ? Maybe it's how can we help each other through this difficult time? We hope it will be only through March but... Could it be through April or May?
Who knows all we can do is keep moving forward - I bet your sewing machine hasn't seen this much action in awhile - The weather doesn't seem to be helping for outside activities even though Spring has now arrived "officially".
So... Here's an update on the store: So far so good with employees and wellness and we are committed to the health of our employees and customers. We are remaining open with skeleton crew (with two buildings - Social Distancing is not a problem). At these times we are having to be creative and think out of the box on how things are done.
Hours: are remaining the same for the time being. M-F 10-5, Sat. 9-3.
We continue to wipe all door handles (inside and out) and counters, equipment, pens after each customer, etc.
Classes have been cancelled or rescheduled. We are currently looking at some on-line alternatives but with extra use of internet with all at home, we have not been able to get to work with limited bandwith. We will keep you posted on this - we had planned to do some mini-how-to's, tips and tricks for sewing machines and projects.
Sales: Did you know you can purchase on line and pick up in store (or curbside delivery?) We call and let you know your order is ready, you call us when you are coming to get it and we bring it out to you. We have had several customers take advantage of this.
Weekly Specials: We are going to start offering Weekly Specials in our Newsletters.
Shipping: Any new orders placed in March will be Free Shipping. .
(We will re-evaluate this at end of month for continuation after March.)
Block of the Month Participants: As a thank you for your continued support - We will be shipping the April Block of the Month's for free. If you normally pick up in store and want us to ship instead, call and provide your credit card information. We will put it on file and will charge your card for product and ship for free during the first week of April.
Quilting Service: We are almost caught up - so if you want to drop off a quilt we are about a week out. we are offering 10% off Edge to Edge Quilting to all customers with a $25 minimum.
Sewing Machine Servicing: With all the cancellations of classes and retreats, it might just be time for you to give that hard working 2nd machine some love. We are offering $10 off Cleaining/Maintenance Service.
Sewing Machines: Janome is working with us to support our customers. They are looking at alternatives for machine purchases and may allow us to ship to existing customers. If you are looking at a new machine (because you are now using more than ever) let us know. We may be able to come up with some creative solutions. Maybe we can facetime, skype, etc to cover features of machines or answer questions.
Our 5 year anniveresary is coming up - Our machine sale is starting early with Special Pricing - Contact the store for details on some of the biggest discounts of the year.
We have financing available through Synchrony.
Please let us know if we can support you in any other ways. We appreciate you so much,